Section outline

  • Welcome to Moodle for Yarra Hills Secondary College. on this page you will find information on how to log in to Moodle and a brief explanation of what Moodle is.

  • Here are some helpful answers to the most frequently asked questions about Moodle.

    • Moodle logoMoodle is a Learning Management System (LMS) that allows teachers to create online resources for their students. These resources can include:

      • links to online sites
      • videos
      • assignments
      • worksheets
      • information about the course
      • homework
      • online tests

      Moodle provides students with access to learning 24/7 and can be a useful way of catching up on missed classes, revising for exams and sharing with classmates in the learning process.

    • There are several platforms available for managing student learning. In the past we have used StudyWiz, the ill-fated Ultranet and now Moodle. Other platforms include Blackboard, Compass and many others. We have selected Moodle for a number of reasons:

      • it is an Australian product
      • it is the most popular Learning Management System in the world
      • it is Open Source which allows us to modify the code so that it best meets our needs
      • it is cost efficient
      • it is extremely robust
      • it has a very wide range of inbuilt functions and add-ons
      • it runs locally on our own servers

      Each Learning Management System (LMS) has its strengths and Moodle provides us with a stable platform that has a world-wide base of users who work together to build on and expand Moodle. Yarra Hills Secondary College is recognised around the globe as an innovative user of Moodle with our teachers speaking at conferences and providing Moodle assistance to countries as far away as Egypt.

      Like all LMSs, Moodle is dependent on our teachers creating the content and our students accessing and using that content. All classes from years 7 to 12 should have online courses available including our VCE classes. As parents you are able to access the courses that your child has enrolled in and see the course content, forum posts made by your child and grades for any work marked as a part of Moodle.